What Is Blended Learning?

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Have you heard people talking about blended learning lately? Many people are starting to discuss blended learning as an important strategy for providing education to students around the world. This is already being implemented in many classrooms and schools, but it’s not something that everyone is aware of. Read on to learn more about blended learning and what it has to offer. 

Understanding Blended Learning

Blended learning is similar to online learning, but it can also involve some traditional classroom experiences. Many colleges offer blended learning courses that involve parts of the class happening online and other parts happening in the classroom. There are also blended learning courses that happen almost entirely online. One of the most important things that sets blended learning apart from traditional online education is that students are given an element of control. 

The blended learning approach involves students having a degree of control over when they take tests, the pace at which they complete things, and sometimes where they complete certain things. This concept of putting control into the students’ hands makes it a lot different from traditional online courses. Normal online courses will have the same strict deadlines that you would expect courses to have and students are generally required to log in to attend a class at the same time. Blended learning lets students learn in ways that they’re comfortable with and that suit their current situations. 

Why This Approach Works Well

This approach to education works so well because it allows for more personalization. Being able to personalize education experiences to a certain degree gives students a better chance of success. They’re able to work around certain things in their lives so that they can get the most out of the course. It also helps students because they’re able to decide whether learning in a classroom or doing certain things entirely online will be better. 

Experts think that blended learning is going to become more commonplace in the education system moving forward. It’s a good model that takes what works from online learning and gives students more options to consider. Students who use blended learning to its full potential can truly get a great educational experience. Time will tell just how popular blended learning will continue to be, but the future of this concept looks very bright. 

from Adam Paulson CA https://adampaulsonca.com/what-is-blended-learning/

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